A story from the frontlines of cloud, service catalog, and self-service.
Since we got to Cisco, we have deployed the former newScale product to create our own, Fortune 20, private cloud. Lots of lessons have been learned and incorporated into our products and practices.
This Information Week story is the latest document the on-going journey of success and also pain that awaits the cloud journey. Here's quote.
"When we first made the self-service portal available, end users thought it was great," said Myers, adding that the addition of Oracle database schemas and middleware to the service catalogue made a huge difference in how useful the environment could be.
Some IT staffers took to the changed environment eagerly; others approached it with great wariness. The first set realized they could automate many time-consuming manual processes. The second set thought, "I've pushed this button [deploying a freshly configured application] for a long time, and now you're automating it."
"There's a very human aspect associated with a transformation like this … You had to get people into the mindset that automation didn't eliminate jobs but freed up workers to take on the task at hand. It was an education process," Myers said.